This is a guest post by Joguzman
Have a blog but can’t seem to keep your readers interested? New to blogging? Either way, it’s important to understand the process of a blog and how to make it exciting for your readers. The more exciting it is, the more they will be willing to come back and interact with you, so let’s take a look at 7 steps to ensure your blog will be able to attract and keep readers.

Step1: Keep Everything Relevant
A lot of failing blogs enjoy to post about all types of things. This is one of the worst ideas a blogger can have because there is no reason for your readers to continue to come back. If you attracted someone with a good post about cooking, but then have no other content that is even related to cooking, why would they stay or ever come back? You should make sure to pick a specific niche, and stick with it.
Step 2: Focus on The Content
So many bloggers are worried about other aspects of their blog, that they end up rushing the content. You should never risk the integrity of your content to deal with something else because in the end, your content is all you have to attract viewers. If you find yourself posting content that people don’t really enjoy, then you should take a step back and analyze what could be done different to create a better user experience.
Step 3: Interact as Much as Possible
Blogging doesn’t just mean post some content every so often and never look at your blog in between. You should be active on your blog as much as possible to respond to any comments or messages you might have gotten. When the blogger take the time to respond, it shows the audience that they care and want to know what they think about the content.
Step 4: Post on a Regular Basis
Making a schedule of when your posts will be live and sticking to that schedule can really help make your blog more appealing. After a while, people will know when to expect some quality content and will plan their time to check it out. Posting sporadically, will never give your audience a time to expect new content, so they won’t really have you in mind when they are looking for stuff to check out.
Step 5: Write About Suggested Topics
During your interactions with your audience, you will most likely get some type of suggestions on what you should cover next. As long as the suggestion is relevant to your niche, you should definitely give it a shot. Since most of the people that you are interacting with are interested in your particular niche, you will almost never get a suggestion that is completely off topic.
Step 6: Allow Guest Posting
There are plenty of benefits to having guest posting allowed on your blog. First, your audience will get more value without you needing to do any extra work. Second, you can build relationships with other bloggers within your niche. Third, you can make a separate schedule for guest bloggers, so it doesn’t actually interfere with your own content and loyal readers.
You will need to make sure to check the content before you allow it to be posted. A lot of times, guest bloggers are only doing it to try and build their link profile, so you have to make sure your audience will find it valuable. Once you verify that the content is good, relevant, and valuable… post it.
Step 7: Don’t Censor Your Audience
One thing that turns a lot of people away from a blog is when the blogger removes comments that they don’t approve of. If someone criticizes your work, you should never remove the comment. Just respond in a polite way with your thoughts about their comment. If you remove the comment completely, it looks really bad to other readers and will push them away.
That is not to say you shouldn’t have some type of comment rules. If you see someone is saying extremely offensive stuff to another reader, then it would be ok to have it removed at that point. Just make the comment rules clear on your blog.
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